Sleepers and Scouts Page 13
Keith has to try and inconspicuously adjust himself as he wills the dance to be over.
“This better be good to have me here on a Saturday night,” Smith announces. “I’m already in hot water with Mitch, and this isn’t helping me.”
Smith walks down the steps to the training mats where Votary and three recruits stand.
“I told you not to get attachments. It’s your problem to figure out. Use the clone drones.”
“The clone drones may work with the boring people you know in life, but my crew is savvy, and they can tell something is off by them.”
Smith looks at the three people standing before him.
“Hello, new class, I’m Bill Smith, but you may also call me Seal Pup.”
“Seal Pup, it’s a prestigious honor to meet you,” Patrick says and holds out his hand.
Smith shakes it and looks at the other two recruits. The first is a young woman with an athletic build. The second is a middle-aged man with long black hair and numerous pockmarked scars on his face. They mesh well with the legitimate scars from a lifetime of fighting.
“So, I’m going to be your trainer for the next, rest of your life. First, I need to know who you are and what you can do. Then, we’ll go over a few rules and expectations.”
“Then what?” the woman asks.
“Then you’ll curse the augments you were given,” Smith answers. “Ladies first.”
The woman looks at the four males around her and speaks in a perky voice. “My name is Zoe King. My augmentation means that you’ll have to eat your words. I don’t get tired anymore.”
“Really?” Smith asks. “Then you won’t mind getting down into the plank position for the rest of the introductions.”
“Child’s play,” Zoe says, and she drops down into the plank position.
“How about you?” Smith asks the scarred man.
“My name is Curtis Winslow, but I’d like to go by First Line, if it’s available again.”
“Nobody cares,” Votary says.
“Sweet. My power is super strength.”
“That’s it?” Smith asks Votary. “Why is he here then? Our armor covers that realm.”
“Show him,” Votary says.
Curtis walks over to a stack of one-hundred-pound dumbbells. He compresses a row of six into one massive ball, then twirls it on his fingers with ease.
“Make sure you say incredible super strength from now on,” Smith says.
“I’m Patrick O’Shea, but most call me Paddy. I can transform the matter of anything I want.”
“Oh yeah, DJ told me about you,” Smith admits. “We can definitely work with that.”
Smith looks down at Zoe. “How are you doing?”
Zoe’s body is perfectly still. Lactic acid isn’t something her body appears to make anymore. Zoe looks at him with a full smile and silent validation.
“Good,” Smith says before addressing the full group. “Now let’s talk about a few things. Each of you is here because he or she has an augmentation that we can weaponize against the Malignant. If the thought of being made into a weapon isn’t one you can get on board with, then too bad. You’re already here and we can’t just let you leave.”
The group acts more serious.
“That was a joke, people. We aren’t Nazis. You just have to make it a point to forget about us. Now, for those of you who want to be Templars, you need to know a few things. First, there are basically only a few power groups. Augmentations can be projectile based, mental, transubstantiation, or reality warping. You’ll need to study all of them because they each have their own strengths and weaknesses.”
“Like what?” Zoe asks without a hint of exhaustion.
“For one, those who transubstantiate won’t get a full suit of armor like most Templars. It won’t transform with you. One of our fallen Templars, Sir Stretch, realized that on his first mission.”
The room gets serious once more.
“That’s right, Templars can die. So far, we’ve lost two. This isn’t a comic book or a movie. Death is real and not reversible, or at least not to my knowledge.”
“It’s not,” Votary stoically adds.
Smith continues. “We’ll work with you to figure out a style that keeps you protected and maximizes your contributions. Remember, your augmentation will always passively protect you to the best of its ability. A Templar is not without help. The next thing of importance are relics. We’ll go over the history of Gudz and Malignant later, but the critical issue is that they were here and left their personal belongings. We’ve already collected some of them and will take you on a tour later. If you think you hear a ring or a bow or a throwing star speaking to you, it probably is. Try to telekinetically call it over to you.”
The new recruits smile at the possibility.
“Not only will it be a cool link to your family history, but it will increase your power tenfold.”
“Can we go on the tour now?” Patrick asks. “I’m a wee bit intrigued by the relics.”
“Everyone always is. Follow me,” Smith says.
Zoe promptly pops up.
“You can’t bear crawl the whole way?” Smith asks.
Zoe groans and gets back down on all fours. “This feels like hazing.”
“Good, then I’m not being too subtle,” Smith answers.
The four begin their tour of The Lair.
Karen walks up behind Votary as Smith leads the rookies away. Karen wears her armor with her helmet tucked under her arm.
“New recruits?” she asks.
“Yes, but not enough. I was hoping to have close to fifty Templars by now,” Votary answers.
“There are plenty in Colberton. We can always get more.”
“I don’t need glory hounds with parlor tricks.”
“Does that include Gallery? She looked pretty impressive.”
“She is, and I plan on having Shot Caller approach her soon.”
“Why don’t you put the latest graduates on Claire’s show?” Karen suggests.
Votary mulls this over. “To what end?”
“Propaganda, girl. We send the new additions on her show and have them gush about how amazing the training is and how cool the gear is, et cetera et cetera. That’ll get more people to approach her.”
“I’m not trying to boost the ratings on her show.”
“That’s a side effect. The real benefit is drawing out another legitimate Templar or two.”
“I need forty.”
“Maybe you’ll get them. You won’t know unless you try.”
“Alright, but not Constructor.”
“Of course not Jake. I said gush. What part of Jake makes you think he gushes over anything except his own reflection?”
Votary simply walks away. Karen laughs behind the original Templar’s back.
“Shhhh,” Keith warns as he sneaks Jenny into his room at Nick’s house.
“I thought your parents weren’t supposed to be here,” Jenny whispers.
“They aren’t. After getting pictures tonight, they decided to get dinner with a couple they knew when we were at Bragg.”
Keith softly closes his bedroom door and locks it. When he turns around, Jenny is already lying on the bed.
“I know you’ve been waiting, baby. I need you to take me now.”
Keith loosens his bow tie with a devilish grin.
“Let me help you,” Jenny says.
She crawls along the bed and pulls Keith’s shirt out from inside his pants while he carelessly flings his suit jacket into the corner. Jenny moves her small hands to his belt and pulls it away. Keith feels a stirring in his pants that he finally doesn’t have to hide.
“Wow, you’re so big,” he hears Jenny compliment.
Keith moves her hands and gives her a long kiss, one
that ends with the two lying side by side on the bed.
“You’re sure?” Keith asks.
With love in her eyes, Jenny nods. “Yes.”
Keith slides his hand along Jenny’s leg, then back up on the inside of her dress. He feels a raised birthmark high on her inner thigh and smiles at the secrets she’s sharing with him. She moans and quivers when he gets to his destination. Her breath increases in cadence as Keith makes sure to see to his date first.
“Don’t tease,” Jenny begs. “I need you now.”
Keith feels her pull down his pants and underwear. His body shakes as Jenny touches him there for the first time and guides him inside her.
Keith moves slowly and tries to anticipate Jenny’s comfort levels from her moans.
“Please don’t stop. Go faster.”
This request terrifies Keith. He isn’t sure if he can last long enough to keep her happy, but soon that fear fades away when she begins to repeat the word “yes.” It isn’t a moment too soon as Keith releases his frustration.
Keith lies on top of Jenny. They’re both spent. He feels filmy. It’s not from anything he expected. He opens his eyes and sees that bubbles are floating around in the room.
“What?” Keith mutters.
Jenny opens her eyes. Keith gets off Jenny and turns on the light next to his bed.
Jenny lies in the center of the bed with bubbles coming off her body. The soapy spheres exit from her fingertips, toes, knees, elbows, and everywhere else on her body.
“Keith, help me,” Jenny says with a hint of terror.
Chapter 5
Keith and Jenny sit on the bed in his room with clothes on again. Keith wears a loose pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Jenny wears one of Keith’s baggy hoodies and some sweatpants. They stare at each other with bloodshot eyes as they try again to test the limits of Jenny’s augmentation.
“Alright, how about bubble streams from alternating fingers on the opposite hands?” Keith suggests.
“Easy,” Jenny cheerfully states.
She holds both of her hands out, palms facing up. The thumb on her right hand creates a soap bubble. Next, the index finger on her left hand does the same. She follows this with a bubble from the right hand middle finger. Keith watches in amazement as Jenny shows complete mastery over something that earlier in the night was uncontrollable and panic-inducing.
“Like I said, easy,” Jenny brags.
“It only took all night,” Keith counters.
The mention of time seems to fill Jenny with apprehension.
“Oh my God! What time is it?”
She reaches past Keith and snatches his alarm clock off the end table.
“Shit!” she exclaims. “It’s six in the morning. My parents are going to kill me!”
“Quiet,” Keith warns.
The two frantically race around the room to collect all evidence of Jenny’s sleepover.
“Just stuff it into your closet. I’ll come by later to get it,” Jenny advises.
“Sure,” Keith says as he follows instructions.
Jenny grabs the door and immediately steps back. Blocking the doorway is Nick with a cup of coffee and a less than pleased face.
“What’s the rush, Jenny?” Nick asks. “Don’t you want breakfast?”
Jenny takes several steps back to the relative “safety” of Keith.
“Hi, Mr. Douglas, I, ah, I, I,” Jenny stammers.
Nick holds up a hand to silence her.
“Dad, take it easy on her. It was my fault,” Keith protests.
Nick redirects the palm of his hand toward Keith, then takes a long sip from his mug. He slowly walks over to the end table next to Keith’s bed and opens the drawer. Keith groans as Nick inspects an unopened box of condoms.
“Well, I’m glad you were at least responsible about it,” Nick says.
It’s clear he’s barely able to control his anger. Jenny hides her face in her hands. Keith also finds it hard to look at his father.
“We meant to. We just got caught up in the moment,” Keith explains.
“Famous last words for many young parents,” Nick snaps.
“I have to get home, Mr. Douglas. My parents will be worried.”
Jenny tries to squeeze past Nick, but he’s taken a position in front of the door again and refuses to let her.
“Have a little more faith in your parents, Jenny. When you weren’t home by curfew, they immediately called me. I heard things coming from this room that I really didn’t want to witness. I told your parents that the deed was done, and we might as well wait for the morning.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“This way we’re fully rested and better equipped for punishing the pair of you,” Nick finishes.
“So, what now?” Keith asks.
“Now you two eat breakfast while I call Jenny’s parents and have them come over to pick her up. You might as well grab your prom dress, Jenny. No reason to add wrinkles to your list of problems.”
“Yes, sir,” Jenny says.
She slowly walks over to grab her discarded dress and shoes. Nick fixes Keith with one last glare of disapproval, then casually walks away. He whistles an ominous tune as he strolls down the hall suggesting that Keith is a dead man walking.
“Oh my God!” Jenny exclaims as she buries her face into her hands again. “I’m going to get it.”
Keith doesn’t know what to say.
“What if I’m pregnant? Why didn’t you put on a condom?”
“Don’t blame me! I was just trying to make it special.”
Nick peeks his head around the doorway.
“I suggest you get to breakfast. It’s getting cold.”
Nick walks away again, whistling the same tune.
“He’s right,” Keith admits. “We might as well get screamed at on a full stomach.”
Jenny nods, and the two slowly walk to the kitchen. They’re surprised to find a full spread of waffles with cream and strawberries, bacon, scrambled eggs, fresh squeezed orange juice, and biscuits and gravy. The smell is intoxicating and almost forces the teens to forget that it symbolizes a last meal.
“My dad likes to cook when he’s pissed. This spread reminds me of the one he made when he told me my mom was leaving him.”
“Shit,” Jenny says.
The two grab plates and start to pile the food on. They sit at the small round table in the adjoining dining area, but neither remembers to bring an appetite. The two play with their food and occasionally take a small bite.
“It’s good,” Jenny admits.
Keith attempts to change the subject. “Assuming that we’re still alive tomorrow, do you think you’ll ever be able to come back to Colberton?”
“What do you think?” Jenny sarcastically asks.
“Well, only two more years until we’re eighteen. I promise to wait for you.”
“How sweet. What do you want to do on our date in two years?”
“My buddy, Hunter, and I went to this augment’s business a few weeks ago. It’s called HardLight Sims. The guy can make green virtual reality environments that you can interact with. It’s pretty cool. Hunter and I slayed wave after wave of orcs.”
Jenny pokes at her eggs with her fork. “Sounds like fun. It’s a date. Two years from today.”
Keith smiles. “I can’t wait.”
“You suppose Mason and Sherry are in trouble, too?” Jenny asks.
“I hadn’t thought of it. I hope not. If they are, you may have to make new friends.”
“You know I don’t have that problem. In fact, I just met this guy named Percy last week. His family just moved from Lewis.”
Keith scowls. “Why am I just now hearing about this Percy?”
“Don’t be jealous. You know I’m an extrovert. Besides, Percy needed a friend. He has cer
ebral palsy, but isn’t a bit self-conscious. It’s inspiring.”
Keith thinks back to how Jenny helped him with his depression. His insecurities go away.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t worry. You’re the best girl in the world. I wouldn’t be able to say that if I had to worry whenever you make a new friend.”
“I’m glad you realize that.”
“All full?” Nick asks.
Keith and Jenny jolt upright at his voice. They hadn’t realized that he had entered the kitchen. They become more nervous when they realize that Jenny’s parents stand right next to him.
“Jenny. Car. Now.” Merrill uncrosses his arms and points toward the front door.
Jenny leans over to give Keith a kiss, but she’s interrupted.
“Car! Now!”
Jenny looks apologetically to Keith and slowly walks toward her parents, dragging her dress behind her in one hand and loosely holding her shoes in the other. Merrill and his wife stare daggers at Keith until Jenny finally reaches them, then the Merrills exit the home.
Nick takes a sip from a fresh cup of coffee.
“Well,” he starts, “alone at last.”
“I’m sorry, Dad.”
Nick holds up a hand again.
“Not good enough, Keith. Before I forget, your mom is on her way up to take you home. She wanted to come immediately last night, but I talked her into sleeping at least a little. Especially considering she’d already made the trip twice yesterday.”
Nick glances at his watch.
“With good traffic that should give you thirty minutes left. Just enough time for me to tear you down. Then your mom can burn the debris.”
Keith tucks his face into his arms on the table next to his cold breakfast.
“Oh no, you don’t get to hide in the sand. You look at me when I speak to you,” Nick demands.
Keith looks up and sees that Nick has taken Jenny’s old seat across from him.
“I messed up, Dad. What else do you want me to say?”
“Son, your mother and I will probably disagree on what exactly you messed up with. My main problem is that you couldn’t take two lousy seconds to slip on a goddamn condom. Are you ready to be a father?”